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  • Describing how we,
    • facilitate the use of assistive devices, service animals and support persons,
    • communicate with persons with disabilities,
    • communicate disruptions in service for persons with disabilities,
    • train our employees on accessibility, and
    • how customers can provide feedback on issues relating to accessibility.
  • Ensuring our policies, practices, and procedures are consistent with the core principles of independence, dignity, integration, and equality of opportunity as defined by the AODA.
  • Training employees, volunteers, and others who provide goods and services to our customers on our AODA policies.
  • Posting our AODA policy, as updated from time to time, on our website and our intranet.
  • Providing an accessible feedback mechanism for our customers, including provisions for the response to feedback.

  • Goods or services that are disrupted or unavailable;
  • Reason for the disruption;
  • Anticipated duration; and
  • A description of alternative services or options.

  • Posting written notices in conspicuous places including at the point of disruption, at the main entrance, and the nearest accessible entrance to the service disruption or on the Northwest website; or
  • By any other method that may be reasonable under the circumstances.

  • The employee moves to a different physical location in the organization;
  • The employee's overall accommodation needs, or plans are reviewed; and/or
  • Northwest reviews its general emergency response policies.

  • Outdoor public eating areas
  • Accessible off-street parking;
  • Exterior paths of travel, including sidewalks, stairs, ramps, curbs and rest areas; and
  • Interior service areas, including service counters, waiting areas and fixed queuing guides