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Funds management

Creating Enduring Value

A global healthcare real estate fund manager, Northwest delivers sustainable value for joint venture partners and institutional and retail investors through a focus on a growing asset class with increasing tenant demand.

Grace Hospital, New Zealand

Epworth Geelong, Australia

Focused Approach. Market-Leading Results.

Investment Strategy

We focus on the cure segment of healthcare real estate, which means our portfolio is primarily hospitals, medical office buildings, and clinics. These assets are characterized by long-term inflation-indexed leases and stable occupancies. Targeting core and scaled higher acuity healthcare investments in major urban centres allows us to provide stable and growing returns for our investors.


We invest in some of the world's strongest and largest countries with robust healthcare sectors based on government funding, private pay, and private insurance. These factors result in strong demand for our properties. We also analyze trends driving global health to shape our portfolio:

A growing and aging population
An in-demand, resilient sector
An advanced healthcare, research, and life sciences focus
Total fund commitments
Fund AUM
Active funds
Markets active in funds management

All figures as of August 14, 2024

Global Management Platform

A Proven Model for Success

Leveraging local market knowledge, expertise, and relationships from our operating platform, our investment and capital allocation strategies result in long-term, cycle-resistant cash flows. These are primarily from healthcare-related tenancies in the strongest and most sustainable global markets.
Regional Joint Ventures
Club Structures
Institutional Unlisted Funds
Listed Vehicles

Alignment of Interest

We own a material stake in each of our investment funds, wholesale and listed, ensuring an alignment of interest in delivering sustainable, strong financial and investment performance results.

Our Funds

Northwest's Galaxy Australia fund was established in 2018 with a sovereign wealth capital partner to invest in a diversified portfolio of hospitals and related healthcare real estate assets primarily in Australia's larger urban centres.
Total Commitment
Capital Deployed and Allocated
Northwest Ownership
Northwest's Galaxy Europe fund was established in 2020 with a sovereign wealth capital partner to invest in a diversified portfolio of healthcare real estate assets focused on hospital and single-tenant speciality clinics in mainland Europe.
Total Commitment
Capital Deployed and Allocated
Northwest Ownership
Vital is the only specialist owner of healthcare real estate listed on the New Zealand stock exchange. Northwest owns ~28% interest in Vital and has managed the Vital portfolio since 2012.
Investment Value