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NorthWest commences construction of Stage 2 at Playford Health Hub: a $51m state-of-the-art Specialist Medical Centre, to be powered by 100% renewable energy

Company News



Adelaide, Australia: NorthWest Healthcare Properties Management (“NorthWest”) has today announced the commencement of construction of a $51 million state-of-the-art Specialist Medical Centre, the second stage within the three stage ~$165 million* Playford Health Hub, located directly opposite the Lyell McEwin Hospital, Adelaide’s third largest tertiary public hospital. Delivery of this Specialist Medical Centre marks the start of what is South Australia’s first 6-Star Green Star registered Medical Office Building. 


Today, NorthWest revealed that this new Specialist Medical Centre will be powered by 100% renewable energy, with sustainability and accessibility to Lyell McEwin Hospital being a core focus of the design phase for the building and the precinct more broadly. Schiavello Construction have been appointed to deliver the project, with up to 500 jobs to be created throughout the development process. 


The ~6,500sqm Specialist Medical Centre across four levels will include day oncology, radiotherapy, radiology, pathology, specialist medical consulting suites, a rooftop terrace, conference facilities and retail amenity. The building is already over 50% pre-leased to Calvary Health Care, GenesisCare, Radiology SA and Clinpath. 


The Specialist Medical Centre, due for completion in early 2024, is stage two of a three staged co-located health precinct being undertaken by the NorthWest managed NZX-listed fund Vital Healthcare Property Trust. Stage one was completed in 2021 and is a $24 million, 450 bay multi deck car park, majority leased to SA Health, and 1,700sqm of retail. Stage three has a total forecast investment of ~$93 million for the private hospital to be operated by Calvary Health Care, with provision for eight operating theatres and up to 120 day and overnight beds. Planning for the private hospital is well underway, with a consultant team appointed and the design process having commenced. A Development Application is expected to be lodged in early 2023. 


South Australia’s Health and Wellbeing Minister, Chris Picton, said: “This is an exciting major development which will deliver specialised care to patients in the heart of the northern suburbs. 


“I’m delighted that this is yet another sign of the Lyell McEwin precinct going from strength to strength, with this now a focus of world-class health care in the northern suburbs. 


“This project will complement the Malinauskas Labor Government’s commitment to invest in the beds and workforce needed at the Lyell McEwin Hospital – located just across the road – and there is growing opportunity for collaboration across the precinct.” 


NorthWest Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Craig Mitchell, said: “We are proud to mark this important milestone in the development of a significant precinct that will deliver enhanced healthcare services to the community of Playford in South Australia. The opportunity to develop the Playford Health Hub – a medical, retail and hospital precinct – for this growing community was a compelling opportunity for NorthWest given its accessibility, the size of the surrounding community and proximity to the existing Lyell McEwin Hospital. 


“Leading sustainability practice has been at the core of NorthWest’s approach to this development, and we are proud to deliver a development that will be powered 100% by renewable energy – fitting, for what is set to be South Australia’s first 6-Star Green Star registered Medical Office Building. The building, once completed, will have 34% better energy efficiency than building code requirements, 25% better water efficiency than standard practice, and 40% lower embodied carbon than a standard building. 


“Our core expertise is in the sourcing, planning and development of leading healthcare precincts like the one we are developing at Playford, which allows us to bring together the best healthcare providers in the region and create a state-of-the-art hub of healthcare services to expand the delivery of health services to South Australians.” 


NorthWest has a signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Calvary Health Care for the development of a private hospital as the third stage of the Playford precinct. 


This ~$93 million private hospital will make a substantial contribution to Adelaide’s healthcare system, with plans to connect the private hospital to the Lyell McEwin Hospital via an airbridge to allow maximum connectivity and service delivery between the healthcare facilities. 


Calvary Health Care’s South Australia Regional Chief Executive Officer, Sharon Kendall, said: “We are delighted to continue supporting the people of the greater northern region of South Australia by effectively doubling our day oncology offering in this state-of-the-art specialist facility, delivered by NorthWest. Being part of the NorthWest private health care precinct allows Calvary to offer additional benefits to the northern community including a new Calvary hospital, which will replace the current Calvary Central Districts Hospital, and, being immediately adjacent to the major public hospital in the catchment, the ability to retain and support our surgeons and specialists.” 




Architect: Woods Bagot 


includes the base building and hard fit out 


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